a webapp for sending SMS messages.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
david 0967d44e88 Merge pull request 'develop' (#31) from develop into master 2 years ago
backend Merge branch 'development' of https://git.poyner.page/david/sms-portal into develop 2 years ago
frontend Merge branch 'development' of https://git.poyner.page/david/sms-portal into develop 2 years ago
.gitignore + ignore notes 3 years ago
README.md revive portal 2 years ago
docker-compose.yml revive portal 2 years ago
mongo-init.sh update db init script 3 years ago



A webapp for sending sms messages!


This will be created to be used inside containers. This will be a full stack with; frontend, backend, and db services.

The application will integrate with the following system:

quickstart dev env


  • if ive deleted the .env files then, check lastpass wew
  • moved the db to the nas
  • not currently thinken docker being used / working state rn


$ node -v
yarn start





  • plan technologies
  • create mongodb init script
  • create backend containers
  • plan user authentication stratety
  • create models for user actions
  • plan messaging api strategy
  • create models for messaging actions

Will consider this completed when I can call the above w/ postman/insomina; once complete, will move onto frontend development.


  • plan technologies
  • create frontend containers
  • everything else


  • master (protected)
  • development

Stack details


Will build using node.js

package details
express node web framework
nodemon convenient reloader
passport authentication library
passport-local authentication strategy
mongoose ODM for mongodb
dotenv read in secrets
bcrypt.js password hashing
cors control backend api access from other origins


Will build using create-react-app

package details
react.js to build the ui
react-router routing, for react
material-ui a react ui framework
axios handles requests to the api


  • research and implement integration testing (jest)

Development Env Setup

  1. Populate the .env with secrets.
  2. Initilize the backend folder w/ yarn/npm (details within the backend dir).
  3. Write a Dockerfile inside the backend directory to start a node env using the newly created project files.
  4. Compose up to create the mongodb & backend containers.
    • docker-compose up -d --build
  5. Connect the backend and the db services.